Friday, December 9, 2011

Six Degrees of Separation Game,

Sorry that I took so long... Update for those following the Six Degrees Of Separation game begun by Page from, My Love Of Old Hollywood. Dorian, from Tales Of The Easily Distracted, solved for Carole Lombard to Goldie Hawn and picked Myrna Loy and Danny Kaye for the next challenge. Dorian, also picked Laura over at BackLots who solved for Myrna Loy and Danny Kaye, in less than six films.

Laura, selected Judy Garland and Olivia De Havilland for the next round, which brings us to, Whistlingypsy to play the game.

Whistlingypsy, chose the film, Every Sunday (1936), which teamed Judy with Deanna Durbin. Whistlingypsy, selected Dawn at Noir and Chick Flicks to carry the game forward with her selection featuring Deanna.

I chose Deanna Durbin who performed in the film, One Hundred Men and a Girl (1937), with Adolphe Menjou, who played her father.

I select Rachel from: MacGuffin Films, to carry the game forward.


  1. Who has not had the chance to play?

  2. Dawn,
    I like the choice of Menjou. Right now everyone has had a turn that's currently playing. So hopefully after the holidays we can get more on board although we have quite a few playing currently. This 3rd round has been fun. I like how everyone is including photos etc.
    So glad you signed on. Off to see if Rachel solved round 3.


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