Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Union Station (1950) is thrilling from start to finish

Flixster - Share Movies

Exciting thriller set in LA, about a train station policeman named Lt. Willie Calhoun (super performance by William Holden) chasing down a ruthless kidnapper. The bad guy has taken the blind daughter of a millionaire and holds her for ransom. The kidnapping is seen by the rich man's secretary (a solid Nancy Olson). Calhoun swears that he will find the girl and put the kidnapper down, and everyone believes him because Calhoun is one hell of a cop. A very short film at about 80 minutes long, but it is packed with riveting drama and some terrific action. Holden is top notch as the policeman, this being one of his best performances ever. And Lyle Bettger is memorable as bad guy Joe Beacon, the kind you love to hate. Union Station is one of those little films that not too many people have heard about, much less seen, but it is one terrific movie. One of my personal favorites. The film-makers of Mel Gibson's 1996 thriller Ransom should have watched this film and took some notes on how to craft an exciting thriller. I mean, that was ok, but Union Station is so much better.
Marge Wrighter: Gonna send that kid home, aren't you, Joe? I mean after we collect.
Joe Beacom: She'll go home...they ever fish her out of the river. Let's have the coffee, huh?
Click to view movie trailer.

1 comment:

  1. Monty, I'm sorry I missed this movie..it sounds exciting.


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