She Couldn't Say No(1954). Cast: Robert Mitchum and Jean Simmons.
After returning to her childhood home in Progress, Arkansas from England, where oil heiress Corby Lane lived for many years. Corby,is on a mission to repay the town for paying for the life-saving operation when she was a baby. She sets out to look for Dr. Robert Sellers, her childhood physician. Finding the Doc not at home, Corby pushes the "emergency only", causing alarm to go off. Doc, who is out fishing at the near by river, has just caught the famous prized fish named Hercules, hears the noise, thinking that there is an emergency, races back to his house without his fish.
Corby is surprised to see how young the Doc is, introduces herself as "Miss Johnson" who is on her way to California. Corby, then asks Doc what he would do if she gave him $5,000? He tells her that he would lock her up as a lunatic. Doc takes Corby over to Mrs. McMurty's boardinghouse. Then invites her to Harley's Tavern, to try to trick her into revealing her true identity. Corby's plans soon backfires when, the town becomes the destination for every fortune seeker from miles around.
To tell you the truth what caught my attention to this movie was the paring of Jean Simmons and Robert Mitchum. I thought the film was clever and very entertaining.
Arthur Lee Hunnicutt (February 17, 1910 – September 26, 1979), When he moved to New York he quickly found himself landing roles in Broadway productions. He landed a role in the film, Tobacco Road, he developed the country character that he would later be typecast throughout his career.
He played a long string of supporting role characters as wise rural types, as in, The Red Badge of Courage (1951), The Lusty Men (1952),The Kettles in The Ozarks (1955) The Last Command (1955), The Tall T (1957) and El Dorado (1967).
In 1952, he earned an Oscar nomination for Supporting Actor in the western, The Big Sky.
Throughout the '50s, '60s, and '70s, Hunnicutt made nearly 40 guest appearances on American television programs such as Bonanza, Gunsmoke, The Rifleman, Perry Mason, and The Twilight Zone.
I love this movie, Jean Simmons is great in it. Excellent post Dawn.