Ah the sweet pairings of Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr gave the three films they made together an air of sophistication. The little seen and underrated Dream Wife (1953) was their first film together and is a good romantic comedy which has Grant trying to romance a visiting foreign princess while trying to keep his girlfriend (Kerr) from getting jealous. It's a typical 50's comedy that benefits greatly from the presence of Cary and Deborah. They would team up again four years later for the sentimental classic An Affair To Remember (1957). Constantly ranked as one of the all time romantic films, Grant and Kerr's chemistry is rock solid. This film was remade in the 90's with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, and while that pair did a commendable job, the original is the best version. The last film our couple would make was the 1960 romantic comedy/drama The Grass Is Greener, which featured the pair as a married couple for the first time. They shared the screen with Robert Mitchum and Jean Simmons, and a love quadrangle forms over the course of the film. It's a good film that gets tons of airplay on cable. So Grant and Kerr wound up with three good films and one of them being an all time classic. Not too bad.
Monty, great post! I do not think I have seen the film, Dream Wife. I will look for it.
ReplyDelete"the original is the best version". The "original version" is "Love Affair" (1939) with Charles Boyer and Irene Dunne. Many consider that one the best version, and the Grant/Kerr movie a mediocre remake.